Don’t get distracted, stupid!
Politicians, Republicans, and Democrats alike are very savvy about how to manipulate media to their advantage.
Politicians, Republicans, and Democrats alike are very savvy about how to manipulate media to their advantage.
Hispanic and Latino House Dem’s are at 17 percent, compared to 19 percent in the U.S.
Democrats have a record number of women in the House and Senate, but just two new women lawmakers are Republican, leading to an overall decline in representation.
Some families are confident their hard work precludes deportation, while others are fearful of forced separation.
“People will be held responsible for criminal acts, and the border will be finally sealed off. Only people who apply legally will be able to come to America. This is, after all, a nation of immigrants,” Mikey Johnson, Virginia.
“You have made a rich contribution to the life of the United States while preserving your own unique culture and traditions within the broader community”
We ensure fair and accurate coverage by “getting on the playing field” and engaging in discourse and debate about story coverage, focus, those who tell the stories, and those who are heard.
Carter withdrew U.S. support for the Somoza regime in Nicaragua. He reduced military aid to Augusto Pinochet in Chile, Ernesto Geisel in Brazil, and Jorge Rafael Videla in Argentina.
As concerns about Donald Trump’s re-election grow among Latino immigrants in Connecticut, state officials and advocacy groups are voicing their
As an unincorporated territory, the 3.1 million U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico live under a system of legally-sanctioned political apartheid.
While some may avoid assigning blame, this is naive. Responsibility clearly lies with the Democratic Party elite…
“People who are Latino or Black and accused of crimes, their bail amounts tend to be set higher,” Grawert pointed out.