Initiative Aims To Boost Financial Aid Accessibility For College Students
RISLA is working to improve year-over-year drop-offs in FAFSA completions.
RISLA is working to improve year-over-year drop-offs in FAFSA completions.
The projects, which are designed to show leadership and empathy, have included topics and activities such as fundraising, creating cultural activities, and providing mentorship.
“Nobody in the youth orchestras looked like me,” Madrigal said. “ I didn’t see any Latinos or African American kids in the orchestra.”
If all racial/ethnic groups had the same college degree attainment as white adults, the nation’s workers would see an additional $11 trillion in lifetime earnings.
“The news didn’t look like my community, like my tíos, tías, the people in the poultry factories, and the other people around me,” Sanchez-Smith said, “but they did make up such a big part of the community and were the backbone of it.”
Children whose caregivers cannot afford to buy enough food during the summer are at higher risk for food insecurity and learning loss.
At the same time, the state ranks worst in the nation — nearly three times below national standards — for ensuring there are enough counselors to serve students
In an effort to address food insecurity year-round, Rhode Island joins 34 states in the new nationwide Summer EBT program.
Connecticut superintendents are concerned about intensifying learning gaps and their ability to address the needs of their diverse districts as COVID-era relief funding expires.
Education experts are calling for policy and societal changes that would best support educators of color across the state.
“We are here. … Georgia is our home. We need to have local governments represent us,” says Brittany López, a political activist and student at the University of Georgia.
In a collaborative effort to equip parents with the information necessary for the upcoming school year Illinois Latino News, WBEZ,