President Jimmy Carter & Puerto Rico
“You have made a rich contribution to the life of the United States while preserving your own unique culture and traditions within the broader community”
“You have made a rich contribution to the life of the United States while preserving your own unique culture and traditions within the broader community”
As an unincorporated territory, the 3.1 million U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico live under a system of legally-sanctioned political apartheid.
Boricuas sound off over “floating island of garbage” comment days before Election Day.
A prominent figure in the world of higher education, President Cruzado speaks openly about her family’s influence, love of books, career in education, and La Isla Del Encanto.
The exhibit curated by Hartford Artist Joel Cintron, showcases and celebrates Connecticut’s extensive Puerto Rican community.
“We are much more representative of everyday American kids and international students as well,” said Dr. Wayne F. Lesperance, Jr.,
Though underrepresented in the Latine community, Afro-Indigenous Latines are establishing their presence in the city through dance, music and skirts at one of Chicago’s most socially active museums.
In the past year, Chicago has made international news as asylum seekers from Ukraine and Venezuela desperately seek refuge in
Hartford Public Schools (HPS) have over 17,000 students, and more than half are Hispanic-Latino; more than 1 in 5 are