Paving the path forward to strengthening democracy
We ensure fair and accurate coverage by “getting on the playing field” and engaging in discourse and debate about story coverage, focus, those who tell the stories, and those who are heard.
We ensure fair and accurate coverage by “getting on the playing field” and engaging in discourse and debate about story coverage, focus, those who tell the stories, and those who are heard.
“I accept this honor for work that is truly “in progress” as I strive to be equal to the prestigious recognition,” said Balta.
“A quarter of all Hispanic, Latino eligible voters, some 8.5 million, live in California. LNN needed to expand coverage to that state in this presidential election year.,” said Balta
Audiences expect more from news media than just the traditional “who is leading in the polls” reporting.
“I want the stories I tell to be about the people who made the brave decision to challenge the status quo,” said Cardenas about joining LNN.
LNN Editors offer best practices and lessons learned on solutions journalism and covering LGBTQIA+ communities
All applications will be accepted until May 12, 2023
“As other news outlets are forced to retreat, we are meeting the challenge and advancing,” said Hugo Balta, Publisher of LNN.
The Latino News Network (LNN) is accepting applications for the Hortencia Zavala Foundation Summer Internship Program. The eight week paid opportunity will be considered
Illinois Latino News (ILLN) has been selected as Google’s News Equity Fund recipient. ILLN is one of450 news organizations across