As Trump policy changes loom, nearly half of farmworkers lack legal status
“If we lost half of the farmworker population in a short period of time, the agriculture sector would likely collapse.”
“If we lost half of the farmworker population in a short period of time, the agriculture sector would likely collapse.”
“You have made a rich contribution to the life of the United States while preserving your own unique culture and traditions within the broader community”
We ensure fair and accurate coverage by “getting on the playing field” and engaging in discourse and debate about story coverage, focus, those who tell the stories, and those who are heard.
The New Year is a significant time for many cultures around the world, and Latino communities are no exception. The
Carter withdrew U.S. support for the Somoza regime in Nicaragua. He reduced military aid to Augusto Pinochet in Chile, Ernesto Geisel in Brazil, and Jorge Rafael Videla in Argentina.
The holiday celebration is a blend of religious significance with festive spirit.
Some populations are at greater than 99% chance of extinction by 2080.
Students are afraid that the information they provide will supply the incoming administration with data that could make it easier to deport their parents.
After a long and grueling election season, we need to connect with and not avoid one another.
While some may avoid assigning blame, this is naive. Responsibility clearly lies with the Democratic Party elite…
Preliminary exit polls indicate that over half (54%) of Latino men support the Former President.
Hispanics are increasingly recognized as a critical swing voter demographic, wielding substantial influence in crucial battleground states.